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Product Format: CD               ** Regular Stock Item **

Price: £11.66 (exc) £13.99 (inc)


New artist from Polish ‘EM’ scene where atmospherics & rhythms are delivered in equal measures with the big melodies kept back for the final two tracks!

‘Outside’ is Dark, eerie and experimental with a building, interwoven theme coming through!
‘Movement’ is a mid-paced sequencer driven track with melodies rolling over the top!
‘Others’ comes in via a crossover from the 2nd track and it’s a mix of slow sequenced sounds and overlaid effects and (some) melodic content – quite raw analogue sounding synths on soundscapes that are on the dark end of the spectrum (as most Polish EM seems to veer towards). Flows really nicely for most of the second half with a sweet synth melody flowing over strong rhythmical structures.
‘Playground’ is a short atmospheric soundscape that flows into the longest track on the album: ‘Own World’ where slow / mid-paced sequencing with melodic overlays over percussive backdrops with touches of atmospheric textural effects is the order of the day and it slowly builds and swells over its near thirteen minute duration.
‘Fun’ emerges from another nice crossover and this a stark and atmospheric with attacking string synths leading the way over a backdrop of filmic sound effects that sounds like someone's home is being wrecked, before developing into a dreamy crossover passage in into the penultimate track that is the nicely flowing and melodic: ‘Decisions’ where flowing synth themes mix with cool rhythms and effects. This is by far the most “instant” piece on the album so far and definitely some of the strongest music on the album reminding me of Robert Schroeder and Johannes Schmoelling at times!
From the final misty crossover a slow and concise sequencer line emerges for: ‘Mom And Dad’ where the slow rhythm is overlaid by nicely improvised melodic structure that are a little Dyson-esque in sound and structure.

A nice album where the majority of the stronger melodies are saved for the final two tracks.
The packaging features the Generator label’s now standard 6-Panel Digi-Pak.

‘Childhood Nature’ was released on 28th November 2018.


01. Outside (6:21)
02. Movement (8:21)
03. Others (10:44)
04. Playground (2:14)
05. Own World (12:47)
06. Fun (4:31)
07. Decisions (5:22)
08. Mom And Dad (6:56)

TPT - 57:18