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Product Format: CD               ** Regular Stock Item **

Price: £13.33 (exc) £15.99 (inc)


Exciting new 2015 collaborative album by two of the biggest names in the European “Electronic Instrumental Music” business and it is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!

* Please hover your mouse / pointer over the sleeve image above to see an image of PYRAMAXX *
* You can access generous samples from this album using the URL at the bottom of this page *

If your either a TANGERINE DREAM or PINK FLOYD fan, or, you like the tuneful electric guitar driven instrumental music of MAXXESS and the vibrant, dynamic synth / sequencer driven beats and melodies of AXESS and PYRAMID PEAK, you will surely love this album!

PYRAMAXX was founded in February 2015 as a logical consequence of the collaboration of three musicians and good friends: Axel Stupplich (AXESS / PYRAMID PEAK), Andreas Morsch (PYRAMID PEAK) and guitarist Max Schiefele (MAXXESS) – all CDS Towers favourites in their own right!
The trio have performed ‘live’ together from time to time over the past ten years, and finally this has reached a climax with the release of their fantastic debut studio album: ‘Distance’.

"After many successful concerts of our ‘Pyramid Peak feat. Maxxess’ collaborations in the past, we decided in 2015 to find one common project with it’s own musical style and the result is: PYRAMAXX and an album entitled: 'Distance'. This is the result of seven months of composing, arranging, producing and lack of sleep".

PYRAMAXX define their music as “ERM” - Electronic Rock Music and that realty is a perfect description as far as we are concerned, because their sound is powerful, melodic, dynamic, atmospheric and sometimes experimental, but first and foremost it is extremely distinctive – This trio have definitely found their own authentic style with ‘Distance’.
Driving melodies, mystic atmospheres, sparkling sequences and dynamic beats are at the heart of every one of the seven tracks on ‘Distance’, and Max’s soulful and perfectly played guitar runs flow through the music like a golden thread!

So yes indeed, this music provides the perfect bridge between the two exciting worlds of "Electronic" and "Instrumental Rock" music. The main influence for me is probably TANGERINE DREAM as you would have heard them in concert over the past few years, but at times PYRAMAXX are even more powerful and dynamic, and it goes without saying - with more guitar work, they drift closer to the rock market than the likes of TD do.
Over and above the brilliant atmospherics and rhythms set up by the keyboard playing there are flashes of pure melodic synth genius the likes of which you would only hear from perhaps Vangelis and Andy Pickford past works, and on the guitar side there are some brilliant Gilmour-esque instrumental passage that should encapsulate PINK FLOYD fans, as well as lovers of modern day TANGERINE DREAM music!

There is indeed a lot of fantastic listening to be had from this album and as such we heartily recommend it to all those who like vibrant and exciting rhythms, lush melodic hooks, dreamy atmospheres and a bit of rock aggression in their instrumental music!

You can listen to generous samples off all 7 tracks on ‘Distance’ by copy & pasting the following URL into your browser and the click on the “more info” link that appears when you hover your pointer over the album cover image on the right side of the page…

‘Distance’ is released on 23rd October 2015.


01. Wide Open Range (11:55)
02. Nighttrain (6:16)
03. Magellanic Clouds (5:57)
04. Distance (9:55)
05. Runaway (7:55)
06. Thangka (11:38)
07. Circle Of Enlightenment (9:50)

TPT - 63:26